Monday, September 16, 2019

Tyrisse Jacobs: "Homeless"

Tyrisse Jacobs
 WCI PO Box 351;
Waupun, WI 53963
BD 1993

My story? Well, I was born around gun, drugs, money and the streets, my mom was very awesome to me and my older sister, but we kept bouncing from house to house until 2006 when my mom got married to a man who she dearly loves. We moved to Kenosha from Watertown, WI and well….Drugs, fighting, rob’en, girls etc you get it. At 18 I moved out and no money, HSD. I was stealing from my mom just to get high and well. Later on at 18 I got a apartment, went by to school until my mom moved to TX. That when gang banging , guns, drugs, money, got worse. I came to prison for  2 Degree Sexual assault of a 14 year old ( not rape) girl. I was 18. She lied to me and her mom. I got 5 in and 10 out. This case is not me a[sex offender] no. I am going home to no one, my mom cut me off, I have no kids, no friends, nothing, no one. Prison has been very evil to me, Personal: mom, sexuality mentally: prison, gangs, sexuality, mom and emotionally: mom. You are the only one who writes me. Thank you, your letters give me hope. I know someone is thinking of me.

It’s dark, cold, I’m hungry, scared, lonely, afraid. I have nowhere to go, no money, no car, no clothes, no job, no education, but wait homeless- I got kicked out at age of… well, 16 cause I didn’t want to go to school or get a job or get off my nasty ass to even take a shower , so my mom kick me out and said ”If you can’t do what you’re supposed to do then GET THE HELL OUT but wait homeless, I stay in a garbage can, with a tv, a cooler, a book bag, clothes, a mate that I sleep on, a gin under my pillow just in case somebody tries to rob me, BANG BANG he’s dead…but wait homeless, one day I woke up to a man looken at me .I  reach under my pillow, but Bang I’m dead, but that was just a vision, the man was handing me$200, but then he said “one day it mite not be me, it might be someone with a gun to my head, but Bang I’m dead, nut wait homeless, so every night before I go to bed I pray to God :”Please take my life away, because no man should have to suffer and so just to this day anyone listening, please feel my pain, I was homeless and at one point and time and tho I say please help the world out cause no man should have to suffer like I did, and I say homeless.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cory Gilmore, committed crime as 18 , has done much learning since

Cory Gilmore #254400
JCI PO Box 233, Black River Falls, WI 54615
bd 1977

This Cory wrote 6 years ago:
IN 1995 when I was 18, I was sentenced to 54 years in prisons for two armed robberies, aggravated battery, and substantial battery.

My nephew and I robbed a store and we were stupid enough to return to the same store a week later because a different clerk was working . The guy became suspicious and pulled a gun on us. We fought over the gun and I struck the guy with several bottles until he released the gun. We then ran from the store. We did not take any money, but the guy lied and claimed money was taken. I take responsibility for the crime I committed but I do not deserve 54 years in prison.

Since I been in prison, my mother , a brother and aunt has died. I have a 15 year old son who I haven’t seen since he was two.

I was a high school student before my incarceration and I obtained my HSED shortly afterwards. Then completed an office assistant vocational and have not been allowed to take additional vocationals because the prison where I was held only allowed the completion of one vocational per prisoner.
I was denied parole in June of 2009 and given a 48 month defer. The reason given for the defer was that I hadn’t completed all my program needs. The program I am required to take , however , is only available at a medium security, and I’m not eligible for a medium security because of my sentence structure.

I do not make excuses for the choices I’ve made, but several factors lead me to being in prison. I was never taught a work ethic or the moral of right opposed to wrong. My father died when I was eight, and my mother raised me on a limited social security income. I valued money but didn’t have the work ethic to get it lawfully. I believed I could commit crimes because that is what I saw daily. Guns and drugs were the norm. I also had a very cynical view of the world. I believed that if no one else cared, then why should I care. I allowed heart to turn cold, but I was not conscious of the coldness. I believed that violence and not caring for others was the norm. I can say now that I’m trying to change. I’ve found a lot of peace within. I believe we all have the capacity to love or hate, to be kind or cruel, to do right or wrong. We must simply choose to be who we want to be. If I’ve ever released back into Society, I choose humanity.